# MC教学&LearningSince1924 is part of an ongoing series about how teaching and learning are taking place at Morton College during the pandemic. 为了清晰和长度,本文对回答进行了编辑.
Nursing instructor Julianne Herrmann shares how she’s adapting to teaching 在线 classes at Morton College. This is her ninth year teaching at Morton College and ninth overall in higher education.
With a summer to reflect, what you have learned about teaching 在线 since the spring?
“教学 在线 has certainly been a challenge,赫尔曼说. “I’ve learned to forgive the mistakes and not stress over perfection. I can say from definite experience that there WILL BE technical difficulties and that’s OK!”
什么更有效?? 你是如何更有效地接触到学生的?
“Virtual office hours and on-the-fly meetings have been very valuable in communicating with students,赫尔曼说. “It has never been easier to touch base with, for example, a clinical group! 我可以给每个人发一个会议链接,并在一小时内, 让他们在一个房间里讨论重要的信息.”
“是的! We had to be quite creative with clinical sites this semester!赫尔曼解释道. “不用说, the students who have been assigned screening site clinical have learned the importance of community nursing.
“They have experienced what it is like to have an entire community rely on their knowledge, 专业知识和指导. It has certainly shown them what a beacon of the community nursing truly is. The maturity and growth I have seen in the past six weeks from these clinical groups has surpassed those of the past.
“There is no time to waste in an emergency or unexpected situation and they have learned to adapt quickly as issues have been arising (almost daily) with our current world situation.”
最大的挑战是什么? 你是如何克服(或开始克服)这个挑战的?
“The biggest challenge has been the quick turnaround for EVERYTHING,赫尔曼说. “工作期望翻了两番, training has tripled and expectations from nursing has never been higher.
“The challenge has been not giving up or giving into the fear of the unknown. The challenge has been pushing yourself forward and to limits you never thought were possible in compressed time frames. 最大的支持来自彼此!”
你对自己有什么了解, teaching or your students since Morton College went largely 在线 in March?
“I’ve learned to see the true face of courage and strength,赫尔曼说. “I’ve learned that when the rest of the world runs from danger, nursing runs toward it.
“我一直为自己的护理职业感到骄傲, but to see my social media feed flooded with former graduate fulfilling their promisesto the profession and see this current class jump through every hoop of fire without hesitation, it reiterates the professional path I have chosen… And I wouldn’t change a thing about it! 我们是#MCNursing!